Friday, January 9, 2009


Have you ever felt wounded or like your spirit
was broken? Maybe you have felt worthless or just plain unlovable. If so, then
you have come to the right place!

I once felt wounded and broken myself
and searched for love in all the wrong places. Eventually I discovered that I
was searching for the wrong kind of love altogether. It was only when I came to
know Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life that I found true love.

My desire is to help women find, in Christ, the true love and acceptance
they are seeking. I pray for them to know that they are lovable and precious to
Him. I found that when I understood and accepted His love for me, I was able to
support other women along their way. We are all at a different stage in our
journeys and yet united in Christ. We are all sisters in God’s family.

Do you want to know what true love is? Do you need the love of God in
your life today? Let me assure you that it is very real and that He is waiting
and eager to show you exactly where that true love can be found!



Anonymous said...

Hey Alane,

I was so excited to see that Christian Women is almost up and running....what a safe heaven place it will be for women to be able to share, to get encouragement and love from others.

What God placed in your heart so long ago in starting Christian Women we are now seeing it come to life before our eyes.

I am so thankful that God placed you in my life. I wanted you to know that you hold such a special place in my heart.

May the Lord bless Christian Women.... may God continue to give you Alane the strength to build his house in each and every person. May you do what God has called you to do and walk in his obedience....May God bless your family and those who are involved with Christian Women. May they know his presence and Love in their lives.... In Jesus Name we pray.... Amen.

Love ya Alane..... from Melissa Erskine

Alane D. Brown said...

Hey Melissa!
Thank you for stopping by and checking things out. God is so good! You have been my prayer warrior since we met out in Salt Lake City. Thank you for your prayer and blessings here!
Love for always in Christ!
ps. Stop by often.

Anonymous said...

I believe that all of us have felt unworthy to be loved, not good enough in someone else's eyes or maybe believed we have made so many bad choices in our lives that God could never love us. I know that some of that was true for me.

I grew up in "normal" family, however there were circumstances that affected who I came to be. One such circumstance was my father's emphasis on education and my perceived idea that he used it as a measuring stick for whether I was worthy to be loved. My three older siblings and my one younger sibling were all very good students. He got on them too about not trying hard enough but with me it was constant. I was the averge B-C student with more grades falling into the C catergory. My sibligs say it's because I got all the creativity so my strenghths laid elsewhere, but nevertheless my father had expectations and I wasn't meeting them. In 7th grade when progress reports came and I hadn't done so well I was grounded and sometimes hit a few times with a belt. I know, I know, this sounds horrible! It wasn't done in anger on his part and for me it was more humiliation than pain.

Needless to say, I had low self esteem. Again my father was and is a fair man but also a glass half empty kind of person...or so I perceived. There are many other circumstances that came into play from 7th grade on, in particular, my mother's death from cancer.(That is a blog for another day)

The outcome of my fathers emphasis on education was I tried harder to please him in high school and college and did manage to graduate with honors at both. The negative side of this is I became a PERFECTIONIST!

Maybe that doesn't sound so bad, just typical for a Type-A pesonality, however the burden was great. Sometimes it felt easy but most times it caused great angst as I tried to make everything in my life work so I could appear successful and, yes, worth of being loved. Many perfectionists don't even recognize that they are one and it took me quite a while to realize it too. I eventually grew tired of trying to keep all the juggling balls in the air, trying to make others like me, and feeling bad about myself. However perfectionism is not an easy treadmill to get off of!

BUT RELIEF DID COME! I cannot tell you how good that feels! I came to know that God was real when I was 30.(Again, a blog for another day.) As I grew to know more about who He was I also came to know how he saw me! I learned that He loved me "as I was for real" not who I was when I had all my ducks in a row. He knows everything about each of us, warts and all and we are the people He loves anyway. What a HUGE relief that knowledge gave me. It was if a 1,000 lb. weight had been lifted off of my back. I couldn't actually believe that I was worth loving. Period. Not if I did X or if I was like Y if I hadn't made poor choices in my past. Just as I was!!!

As time has gone on I have learned so much more about the love of God and His son Jesus. It is unconditional and forgiving. I feel like a little child again sitting on my daddy's lap wrapped inside his arms. When you're that age you feel like your dad is your protector, provider and knows everything about everything. He loves you SO much. Well that's who God is! Even if you didn't have that kind of father I'm sure you dreamt of having one like that. Now you don't have to dream about it. It is real!!!

I pray that through this blog and your website that other women will find relief from whatever burdens they are carrying. Like Jesus said..."come to me all you who are heavily laden and I will give you rest." And He does!

Alane D. Brown said...

Wow Jeanine! You are going to be blogging here quite often I see but "that's a blog for another day". LOL I can tease you because you are my good friend and we have spent hours talking about a lot of the things posted here. I do appreciate your comments and your wisdom and I agree whole heartedly that the Lord is the answer. It is because we are sisters in God that we can support and acknowledge one anothers successes. Having people who have lived life and that are willing to then share their lessons is precious. Thanks for sharing from your heart! Have a Blessed day! - Alane

Anonymous said...


I lived the majority of my life as a Co Dependant. Feeling that I always needed someone to complete me. And the choices I made for those someones always seemed to end up the worng choices for me.

I was always trying to fill a void that I really didn't quite understand. As I look back now I know it was insecurity and missing the right love in my life, ( God )

I can remember going to see a councelor through my divorce and she made it quite clear to me that I needed to get to know who Charmaine was for at least 6 months to a year before I even thought about another relationship. Finding me was finding the Lord. As he has filled my void. Now although I have dated a few since, I have now been single since 2001...And I am OK with that. I know that when God is ready, not me! The right person will be there. And maybe his plans are in other areas for me. I don't know and I am content with that!

When I get lonely and feel like I am slipping, I just reach inside and ask for his help and he always fills my voids.

I say to anyone who is looking for Love, do it in the right place first with God and he will provide the rest!

God Bless, Charmaine

Alane D. Brown said...

woo hoo! God is so good! Yes, He is the ONLY source of TRUE lasting love!
Thanks for sharing Sis!