Sunday, January 11, 2009

"Ya - But Land"

“Ya – But Land"

Have you ever been to Ya- But Land? If not, then stay clear! It is NOT the place you want to be! It's not a safe place to stand, it's worse than quick sand. If you have ever visited than you know it’s not a place you wish to revisit.

If you haven’t a clue what I am talking about then – Good for you! “Ya-But Land" is a fictitious place created in a persons mind. It is created by following every good idea that comes to you with two little words, “Ya and But”.

Let me give you a few personal examples:
Friend - “Alane, I like your poetry, maybe you should write a book!”
Alane – “Ya but what if no one else likes them?”

Friend – Alane, That speech you gave was very inspiring, may be you should speak more often.
Alane – Ya but what if I get all nervous and everyone can tell?”

Or even as simple as … Let’s go to a movie tonight! "Ya – but, What if it snows."

“Ya buts” talk you right out of everything and leave you stuck in the same place day after day, year after year. You can easily see that “Ya-buts” are created through fear. So let’s remember: “God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”
(2 Timothy 1:7)

For years “Ya-buts” kept me from following my heart and from seeking my dreams. I am grateful I am no longer stuck in “Ya but Land”. I learned the quickest way out was to quiet my mind and practice just saying a simple yes to myself and to others. Positive action, practice and constancy created the necessary changes in my mind and life.


Anonymous said...

Whenever someone use "but", they wipe out all the words that came before the "but". And all that stay behind are the words that come after the "but"!


Alane D. Brown said...

That's it! You said it all in one sentence. Thanks for sharing Giovanna.

Anonymous said...

Alane...and are so right !!
You can say something amazing however when the word "but" it used, it creates an entirely different energy...and not a positive one.
So...get out of your own way. Make a statement with confidence, and empower your words for all.

Linda Holden

Alane D. Brown said...

Linda, Hi - thanks for visiting!
I like what you said "So...get out of your own way. Make a statement with confidence, and empower your words for all"
It's very true - what we say and how we say it - influences others. When we speak with boldness and confidence we are assisting others to find their own strengths.
Great stuff!