Tuesday, February 3, 2009

DISTRACTION 101B: A Tool of Confusion

Satan is always trying to get God’s people to stumble. His toolbox is full of nasty tools to twist our thinking, cause us to doubt God, and puff up our pride. He loves to see us striving to accomplish something in our own strength with no thought of God at all. Sometimes his tactics are difficult to recognize since he can masquerade as an angel of light. "...Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light." (1 Corinthians 11:14)

The first time I fell for one of his "tools of light" I had been asked to teach a youth Sunday school class. I was told I had some kind of gift but I certainly didn’t see it. I prayed and after telling God all of the reasons I wasn’t qualified I felt compelled to do it anyway. A joy came over me even though I was quite nervous. This is when Satan stepped in.

As soon as I agreed with God I was flooded with a million ideas of how to reach out to church visitors through our outside bulletin board. Since I was an experienced Graphic Designer, it appeared to me that this may be a better fit than teaching. After an agonizing week I realized that I didn’t have the " joy" to design bulletin boards that I had with the possibility of teaching. I made the final choice to teach and almost immediately the other ideas evaporated.

Perhaps you can see why it was hard to see through Satan’s attack. It was obvious that I had the experience to design a bulletin board and drawing more people into the church was certainly important!

You may also be faced with two ideas that seem equally ‘good’ on the surface so here are some signs to gauge if a "good" thing may actually be a distraction.

- You feel completely qualified and able to do it all without relying on God’s wisdom.
- You get into the "I have to, I need to, I want to . . . " mode of business; No need for God’s help.
- There’s a lack of joy.
- Confusion sets in. Just remember this "God is not a God of confusion but of peace." (1 Corinthians 14:33)

Be blessed,
Jeanine Black

1 comment:

Alane D. Brown said...

Hi Jeanine-
Great post. I very much enjoyed both 101A and 101B and have wrestled with some of the same stuff. I have also found that many times, even thought I know I am in God's will, there are stuggles and doubts and I have to press on anyways. I am glad we serve a powerful God and that He holds onto us and directs our paths.