Monday, March 30, 2009

The Feather

Looking onto the lake, that summer morning, I noticed a small downy feather floating on the water. Having a supple spine, allowed it to form a cup-like shape. Its whiteness was unmarred and its tiny veins were perfectly aligned, preventing water from seeping in. Wispy pieces at the quill end, looked to be the softest fibers on earth as they fluttered in the gentle breeze. Floating so peacefully, with no apparent destination, the feather was gently rocked by the ripples on the water. I imagined myself lying within it’s silken body, protected from the breeze and the cool water. The sun warmed my skin, and the gentle undulations from the ripples soothed me like a mothers rhythmic rocking. I watched a butterfly flutter silently by and listed to the call of a whippoorwill, wondering if its mate would answer. The sky overhead was a cloudless deep aqua. It seemed so vast, as it stretched from one side of the lake to the other. As I laid in the feather cocoon, the sereneness of nature seeped into my senses. It was as if nothing else existed. I closed my eyes, completely satisfied, and drifted off to sleep.

When I awoke, I realized that I was in my lounge chair curled in a fetal position. Remembering the tiny feather, I sat up in anticipation of seeing it still adrift. But I was met with disappointment. Resting back against my chair I looked at the lake again. Water bugs skipped across the top of the water and the rich scent of pine filled my nostrils. The flowers growing in a nearby bed, seemed more brilliantly colored than before. Even the grass seemed greener. A smile spread across my face, and a warmth filled me, as I thanked the Lord for the beauty of His creation. How often do we overlook God’s handiwork in our everyday comings and goings? Do we take the time to be quiet... to really see and really hear?

As I began to gather my belongings and head for the house, I caught something out of the corner of my eye. I turned and saw the beautiful feather lingering at the edge of the lake. I stood there surprised for a moment, before scooping it out of the water. I cupped it my hand and lightly ran my finger along its edge. I realized that God holds us in His cupped hands too. He protects us from the waters and winds that come our way. He also comforts us like a loving mother and gives us a peace to lie down and rest.

The feather now lays inside a clear glass bottle on my kitchen windowsill. In the mornings, the sun shines in and catches it in its rays. Seeing it, reminds me of my heavenly Father. His strong hands, his embracing arms and His desire for me to "be still, and know that He is God."
Be blessed-
Jeanine Black

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Who We Are

This was in a Bible Study by Beth Moore. It's something that I actually printed out and keep in my office above my desk so it can be read each day. Often I hang a verse or two around the house to help me stay close to God for that day and to assist in memorization but this has been left right where it was first placed, for more than a year now, because it still speaks loudly to me.

A Declaration of who I am before God

I (insert your name here) belong to God.
I am a Holy Vessel because I house the
Holy Spirit of the living God.

The Lord of heaven and earth has said over me -
“I declare you holy”.

Today I commit to start believing what He says.
I am holy.
Empower me daily, Spirit of the living God,
to treat myself as holy.

Open my eyes to every scheme of the enemy -
to treat me as if I’m not.

You, God, are God.
Your word is truth.
This day, Father, I choose to believe you.
In Jesus name -
Amen and Amen.

Alane D Brown

Friday, March 27, 2009

Do You Like Blogging?

Lately I’ve taken to learning new things about the internet, more specifically; searching for ways to make money working from home using the internet. A recent discovery is it offers a way for bloggers to get paid for blogging about their favorite topics!

Understand that there are plenty of scams out there, so please, do your own due diligence on each opportunity you find! Also remember this about making money on the internet; what works for one person may or may not work for the next. So please, do NOT take what I have to say as anything more than a suggestion.

I have found that I LOVE to blog! Not everyone likes to blog but if you DO like blogging then you may wish to go ahead and check out Advertisers want bloggers to talk about their products and services and pay people to do so. is just one of several Paid Blogging Websites. If you enjoy blogging - you may as well get paid for it!

I am very interested in hearing about what you find out there.
If you have any questions - I will assist you the best I can.
Alane D Brown

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Forgiveness is an essential part of my relationship to God. It sets me free and takes me closer to Him, which is where I not only wish to be but need to be.
In fact the Bible says in Mark 11:25 AMP “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him and let it drop (leave it, let it go), in order that your Father Who is in heaven may also forgive you…”
Sometimes we are wounded or hurt. Sometimes others mistreat us or betray us. Unfortunately, that is just part of the world we live in.
Let me just speak for myself – Yes, I have been wounded, hurt, mistreated and betrayed. Frankly, I have been on both sides, both perpetrator and victim of such behaviors. When I seek the Lord and ask Him to forgive me for my “bad” behavior – I also need to seek His forgiveness any bad feelings I have towards others and to allow His love to enter my heart.
When I allow that type of forgiveness to really enter my heart – my forgiveness is complete and there is peace in my soul.
This is not something that always comes easy for me. What are your thoughts on forgiveness?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

God is our only answer

Personal Struggles-
We all have them. Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who gets caught up in such things. I look around and assume my Christian friends have it all together. I compare my insides and what I am feeling with their outsides. What nonsense – what a waste of time. Most often when I get “caught up in life”, what I am actually stuck in is myself and my own self reliance.
A friend recently reminded me of this when she said, “I am always here if you want to talk. I don't have all the answers, but I am well connected with the One who does!!! Remember always you are deeply loved!”
It’s great to have friends to talk things over with because they can remind us of our true source for truth and guidance. - God.
Do you ever get caught up in things like I do and temporarily forget Who has all the answers you need?
Maybe you have never turned to God before for answers. That's okay too. You can begin today! If that's something you would like assistance with or you have a specific prayer request - send an email to or leave a comment right here on the blog. There are many people who would love to be in prayer with you and for you.
Alane D Brown

Monday, March 23, 2009

Beyond the Infraction

I was running late. Not only did I have my hair to dry and my clothes to iron but my husband presented me with his shirt to iron too. Don’t get me wrong, my husband is a great guy, but that irritated me. As I ironed, I grumbled inside. Okay, so I had gotten in the shower later than I should have. Sure, I hadn’t expected to have to do a quick mend on my blazer, but I could have made it, I thought. Now there was no chance for me to be ready on time. Knowing that my husband hates being late, made me want to blame him for the fact that he would soon be annoyed with me. Then I remembered something... I was fortunate to have a husband’s shirt to iron at all.

My sister-in-law had suffered from allergies and was always sniffling or sneezing. Like snoring, these sounds can become very irritating. My brother admitted to me that he used to complain about it but after her death in a car accident, he would have given anything to hear those sounds again! I’m glad that his words stuck in my head, and that God pulls them out occasionally and drags them into my heart. None of us know how long we will have a spouse with us, or a child or a parent. God is the only One who knows.

It’s very easy to fall into the trap of complaining about inconveniences, or the inconsiderate behavior of others. In our world of "hurry" we have less patience. Our schedules do not allow for things to deviate from our plan and we complain when it does. That’s why it takes a conscience effort to look beyond the infraction to the blessing. This is not easy, but we have a God who is ready to help us when we ask. He can give us His perspective and His patience to do it.

The shirt incident was a reminder for me to appreciate that I have a husband. A reminder that God has blessed me with someone to share my ups and downs with. Someone with whom I have produced a beautiful child with. That same person can be aggravating. He can even be wrong. However, I have the choice of whether to embrace the blessing or pick at the infractions. .

Be blessed-
Jeanine Black

PS. This is not a call to ignore abusive behavior. Seek help if you are in that type of situation!

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Joy of Recycling

Since the introduction of the bottle and can redemption program, I've noticed far fewer crumpled and rusted containers scattered along the roadside. The nickel deposit acts as the incentive to have containers returned for recycling. The transformation of these containers, from used and empty to new and useful, prevents them from eternal burial in a landfill. Since redemption is not a mandatory program, people still have the choice of what they will do with their empty containers. They can throw them in the trash. They can put them out for curbside recycling. They can take them to a redemption center for recycling and get a nickel for each one. Or, they could simply never open them and avoid having to do anything at all. Pretty ridiculous idea, I know.

God made all human beings to be useful and serve a purpose. Some end up crumpled and torn because of choices they've made, or from abuse received at the hand of another. They are often considered unredeemable trash and thrown by the roadside.

There are other humans who don't get so banged up by life. Their choices are not as detrimental, like the first group, even though they are still crushed and torn at times. Usually their potential for a new purpose is recognized, gaining them opportunities for second chances.

The third type of human appears unscathed by life. Preserving their reputation of being full is of utmost importance. They fight to protect themselves from being used for God's intended purpose. Being emptied and made into something else is not an option in their mind. Their arrogance often alienates them from making close friends and leads to inner loneliness.

Thankfully we have a Redeemer who sees beyond our outer appearance! Jesus knows our hurts, and sees our deep desire for another chance! He came to seek the crumpled, lost and discarded cans and bottles called people. His decision of whether to recycle you has NOTHING to do with your physical condition or how you're perceived by the world. It is based on His love and desire to have a relationship with you. However, He does not force anyone to be redeemed that doesn't want to be. Like recycling, you have the choice of what to do with your container.

Have you been used up or abused? Have you made bad choices that you regret? Do you want another chance to do things differently? The free gift of Redemption through faith in Jesus Christ is the only option that brings about lasting transformation. Making the choice to trust your life to God is something you do from the inside out. It is not merely something you say with your mouth. Empty yourself... admit the things you have done wrong and believe that God will help you overcome them. Give over your pride of self-sufficiency. Get into the recycling binTell God you need and want Him to make you new again. Trust that the Redeemer knows what He is doingrealize that there is nothing you can do to be redeemed. Believe that only Jesus can do it for you.

When you give yourself over to the Redeemer not only does He take you to the recycling plant, He gives YOU the nickel. It is a deposit for the eternal life to come.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it more abundantly. (John 10:10)

Be blessed-
Jeanine Black

Monday, March 9, 2009

Clinging to Crutches

A woman I know recently broke her leg in a skiing accident and has had to rely on crutches for a while. This type of crutch is not only helpful but necessary. However, there are other types of crutches that are not so helpful. Relying on something other than God to support us through our pain is called a crutch, and it actually extends the healing time. Many years ago, I had a crutch to help me with a fear of being alone, only I didn’t recognize it until God took it from me.

Over a period of two and a half years, I lived with a sense of fear and dread whenever my husband would travel. It started as a fear of being home alone and developed into a fear of him not returning. Just the thought of him going away sent me into a panic. The crutch I relied on was to stay with my parents, even though I didn’t sleep well there and cried every night after my husband's phone call. My day of liberation did finally come though, and I went from being crippled with fear to being crutch free.

Three days before one of my husband's trips, my parents announced that they would also be away. Panic immediately set in as I scrambled to find other crutches. I found none. Once I determined that I had no choice but to face this fear head on, I started praying. I shared my fear with a few women, not knowing if they would think my fear was ridiculous or take it seriously. They listened, prayed for me with sincerity and committed to pray for me while my husband was away. What an amazing gift I had received! Those women actually took my deep concern seriously and prayed for me in earnest. In the early evening of my husband's departure, I started to feel anxious and began to pray and read my Bible. A peace started to grow inside of me that I never had in that situation before. Later that evening one woman who had prayed for me called so I wouldn’t feel alone. The phone call and the prayers of my friends gave me strength to keep praying and trusting God. Whenever I awoke that night and felt fearstarting to creep in I would pray "God, please help me," and the fear would immediately go away! The sense of freedom and joy I had in the morning was incredible! I am so glad He took away my crutches so I had no choice but to trust Him.

Do you use crutches that keep you from relying on God for support? Perhaps you talk about your "problems" with friends, over and over again. Maybe you use alcohol to mask pain or overeat to soothe your emotions. There are many crutches but none of them can give restoration and joy like God can. I know that learning to trust God takes time and courage. An important step to developing trust is getting to know His character, how He has cared for people throughout time and the promises He has made to those who love Him. All of this can be found in the Bible and can often be heard in the testimonies of others. With God, you can be crutch free.

"Do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, surely I will help you,
Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10)
Be blessed-
Jeanine Black

Monday, March 2, 2009

Clay in the Potters Hand

"And yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand." (Isaiah 64:8 NLT)

My brother-in-law is a potter. Seeing his finished pieces brings awe, especially knowing the process it takes to get there. Starting out with a glob of semi-firm clay he adds a little water to make it more pliable, as he spins the "wheel," he then applies pressure to the top of the glob with his fingers to start transforming the glob into a vessel. He continues to mold the vessel into its desired shape by applying pressure to sides. Often he uses tools to further enhance the vessel's usefulness like creating a curved edge to keep the contents of the finished bowl from spilling. Once the shape is to his liking he again adds water, little by little, to gently smooth the surface. The air-dried piece goes into a kiln to be cooked, making it stronger and able to be used for its intended purpose. It takes a skilled craftsman not only to shape a lump of clay into a useful object, but more importantly, to produce an item without air bubbles or cracks, which would cause it to break, rendering it unusable.

God is one such craftsman. The Bible refers to people as clay and God as the "potter", the One who makes us into something useful. Since humans are flawed and prone to breakage, we need a skilled hand to fix those flaws and strengthen us. When we submit our desire to create ourselves into what we deem as useful, and allow God to do the creating, we begin to become truly useful to God. He smoothes our rough exterior, releases the air bubbles of pride, finds the hidden cracks that make us vulnerable and shapes us to be what is suited for the task He has in mind. Sometimes God may use His powerful hands to apply pressure to certain areas of our lives that need reshaping. Other times He may use another tool to completely cut off some habit or sin that weakens our effectiveness. At the same time, His hands are gentle, able to apply new clay to fill in the areas He has removed. Always, though, He keeps His purpose in mind, doing only what is necessary to achieve it. "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11 NLT)

Are we content to be clay in God's hands, or do we resist being molded into something new, something different? Even though we may not like who we are, somehow it seems more comfortable to stay that way instead of embracing the change God desires for us. However, there is great joy in being reshaped by God!

A. Peace in knowing that you are in the hands of a skilled physician rather than relying on a "Do-Your-Own-Surgery-at-Home" kit.
B. Assurance that the results will always improve your ability to be all God intends for you to be.
C. Knowledge that the process will always be accompanied with the loving care and support of your Heavenly Father.
D. Thanksgiving that God loves you so much, sees your potential and wants you to become whole.
E. A closer relationship with God that brings real fulfillment to your life.

To truly make a difference in this world, we must first be changed.

Be blessed-
Jeanine Black