Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Hello Everyone!
Our ChristianWomenNow Blog has moved.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.
Please find us at: http://blog.christianwomennow.com/

Unfortunately the different platforms would not allow as to move your comments.
SO we are asking this favor - if you have posted a comment here in the past please go to our new URL and re post it, if you have the time. We would deeply appreciate it!
Once again our new URL is: http://blog.christianwomennow.com/

And remember to check out our website at http://www.christianwomennow.com/
you can connect to our blog from the "contact us" section of the site.
See you there!
Any questions - please email Alane Brown

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Reality of Dreams

Three months ago I wrote my first blog. To most people, its no big deal but to me it was. You see, I’ve had a desire to write for a long time but never could seem to begin. Believing that God planted that desire in my heart, I now understand that God’s timing is not the same as ours. A desire or dream may be given long before it actually begins. In God’s planning there is training and equipping that needs to happen before His child is ready. He is the one who orchestrates the steps needed to get to the starting line. I’m so glad that God held off on my beginning as a writer until I knew Him well. Now I can use my writing to glorify Him and not myself.

I have always loved books, particularly childrens books. As a child I spent many hours in the town library. Reading gave my mind a place to go to and it sparked my imagination. This is where my interest in writing first took root. As I matured, the small flame in my heart was reduced to embers when I realized that I was not a stellar English student. Ever since then I have felt unqualified to be a writer. Yes, I had ideas but if I was unable to convey them properly then it didn’t matter. Not until my daughter was born did my love of books and writing rekindle. My daughter is now 18. It took God’s behind the scenes planning and His perfect timing to get me to the point of hitting the "publish post" button for the first time.

Feeling unqualified to do something for God has only brought me closer to Him. This writing experience has caused me to trust Him with every bit of it. Each time I sit to write I have to believe that He will give me the topic that someone needs to ‘hear.’ I also have to trust that despite my writing ability, the reader will understand what God is trying to tell them. Do I now think I am a polished writer? No way. Am I confident that what I say will make sense to others? No. But what I am confident in, is God! He is the One who gives me the ideas to write about and the heart to encourage others.

Here are a few things I’ve learned thus far.....

1. God is the author, I am only the conduit.
2. God can use what I earnestly put forth.
3. Good writing takes a lot of revision. Being a recovering perfectionist, I sometimes don’t want to do the work for fear it will never be good enough anyway. That is when I need to remember #2.
4. I should not compare my writing with another. This takes my focus off what I am called to do.

Waiting on God to get our dream started is also a matter of trust. Had my own dream started sooner then I would not have had the life experiences yet that God uses in my blogs today. In the Old Testament Joseph had a dream of his 11 brothers bowing down to him. The dream did became a reality, but not until many years later. If you recall Joseph’s story, his life was full of ups and downs that eventually led him to his role of second in command of Egypt. Looking at his circumstances, there were many times when Joseph may have thought the dream would never come true. In the same way, our dreams don’t often start right away either. God is always at work though, preparing for the dream to become a reality. If you are waiting on a God given dream, don’t despair in the waiting. God is at work and His timing is perfect. If you have begun living the dream, keep focused on God’s plan in it. In both cases, believe in God’s ability not your own!

Be blessed,
Jeanine Black
© 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

Celebrity or Servant?

A recent airing of ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ really surprised me. Having watched the show before, I wasn’t surprised by the usual antics and inappropriate conduct of these superstar contestants. What caught me off guard was something I hadn’t expected to see....humility.

The project was to serve as maids, bellmen, room service, and concierge for guests in five rooms at a swanky New York City hotel. They were expected to replicate the high standards set by the hotel, while catering to the whims of their guests. Being short-staffed and unacquainted with this type of work, the teams were set up for potential disaster. What surprised me though, was how some of these celebrities rose, or should I say lowered, themselves to the challenge! While some of the stars complained about having to clean toilets, Herschel Walker, a Heisman Trophy winning football player, did so without complaint. He had a job to do and he did it willingly.

Joan Rivers, who functioned as concierge, never once used her notable status to gain favor. She truly enjoyed the challenge of meeting the needs of her guests. When a well-known actor checked in, she honored him with respect, and did everything possible to make his stay special. Of course, being only a game, the goal for the teams was to please the hotel management and Donald Trump. In doing so they would receive money for their favorite charity.

So I wondered, how do I handle unpleasant tasks? What is my motivation for doing them without complaining? Although the Bible states that crowns will be given in heaven to those who serve God well, that is not what motivates me. I JUST SIMPLY WANT TO PLEASE THE LORD.....and my husband, and my boss. But, I don’t always do so without complaining or a celebrity attitude.

‘Celebrity Apprentice’ reminded me what it looks like to serve. It showed me that I need to humble myself as I serve others. I shouldn’t whip out a ‘get out of jail free’ card or believe I am too good for a particular job, no matter how mundane or inconvenient it may be. I will admit, though, its not always easy for me. As I reflect on the events of the ‘Last Supper,’ I realize that one reason its not easy is because I have the wrong perspective. I focus on the immediate job and getting it done, but not on anything beyond that.

Do you remember how Jesus washed the disciples feet? He did it willingly and lovingly. If anyone had the right to be honorably discharged from a duty, it was Jesus! He was God! Jesus did not complain about performing this menial service, in fact, He volunteered to do it! Why? Because He had God’s perspective in view. Seeing an act of service from God’s perspective, is to see beyond the moment and into eternity.

Taking on a servant role, while being a king, was the example of how all of us should serve God. Jesus was preparing His disciples for the future work He had for them. Without the right perspective of who they were, relative to who God was, they would not make an eternal impact in the lives of others. God’s perspective in Jesus’ life also led Him to be crucified. Jesus prayed that He not have to go to the cross, all the while humbling Himself to the Father’s will. God knew that Jesus had to die and be risen in order for mankind to be restored to a right relationship with Him. That particular act was much bigger than the temporary pain of His present; a resonating impact for eternity! For us, our status as being children of a king affords us no celebrity status or release from serving others. What is does afford us, though, is this...lots of great opportunities to impact lives for eternity!
Be blessed
Jeanine Black
©Jeanine Black 2009

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Don't Worry

(Click on image for larger view)

Don't worry! God is good. Where are your thoughts focused today? I am only asking because many times I need to be reminded that God is in control. That He is taking care of my every need. I need to be reminded that He is right here, right now and always. This verse is one of my very favorites because of what it says. God is taking care of the birds and every creature in this world. He cares that much! He loves us that much! So we can relax and allow God to be the God of our lives. Now this isn't an excuse to not accomplish anything today. However it is a wonderful reason to do whatever God has placed before us to do today, for His Glory. If We keep our eyes on Him, we can't go wrong!

Alane Brown

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Feather

Looking onto the lake, that summer morning, I noticed a small downy feather floating on the water. Having a supple spine, allowed it to form a cup-like shape. Its whiteness was unmarred and its tiny veins were perfectly aligned, preventing water from seeping in. Wispy pieces at the quill end, looked to be the softest fibers on earth as they fluttered in the gentle breeze. Floating so peacefully, with no apparent destination, the feather was gently rocked by the ripples on the water. I imagined myself lying within it’s silken body, protected from the breeze and the cool water. The sun warmed my skin, and the gentle undulations from the ripples soothed me like a mothers rhythmic rocking. I watched a butterfly flutter silently by and listed to the call of a whippoorwill, wondering if its mate would answer. The sky overhead was a cloudless deep aqua. It seemed so vast, as it stretched from one side of the lake to the other. As I laid in the feather cocoon, the sereneness of nature seeped into my senses. It was as if nothing else existed. I closed my eyes, completely satisfied, and drifted off to sleep.

When I awoke, I realized that I was in my lounge chair curled in a fetal position. Remembering the tiny feather, I sat up in anticipation of seeing it still adrift. But I was met with disappointment. Resting back against my chair I looked at the lake again. Water bugs skipped across the top of the water and the rich scent of pine filled my nostrils. The flowers growing in a nearby bed, seemed more brilliantly colored than before. Even the grass seemed greener. A smile spread across my face, and a warmth filled me, as I thanked the Lord for the beauty of His creation. How often do we overlook God’s handiwork in our everyday comings and goings? Do we take the time to be quiet... to really see and really hear?

As I began to gather my belongings and head for the house, I caught something out of the corner of my eye. I turned and saw the beautiful feather lingering at the edge of the lake. I stood there surprised for a moment, before scooping it out of the water. I cupped it my hand and lightly ran my finger along its edge. I realized that God holds us in His cupped hands too. He protects us from the waters and winds that come our way. He also comforts us like a loving mother and gives us a peace to lie down and rest.

The feather now lays inside a clear glass bottle on my kitchen windowsill. In the mornings, the sun shines in and catches it in its rays. Seeing it, reminds me of my heavenly Father. His strong hands, his embracing arms and His desire for me to "be still, and know that He is God."
Be blessed-
Jeanine Black

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Who We Are

This was in a Bible Study by Beth Moore. It's something that I actually printed out and keep in my office above my desk so it can be read each day. Often I hang a verse or two around the house to help me stay close to God for that day and to assist in memorization but this has been left right where it was first placed, for more than a year now, because it still speaks loudly to me.

A Declaration of who I am before God

I (insert your name here) belong to God.
I am a Holy Vessel because I house the
Holy Spirit of the living God.

The Lord of heaven and earth has said over me -
“I declare you holy”.

Today I commit to start believing what He says.
I am holy.
Empower me daily, Spirit of the living God,
to treat myself as holy.

Open my eyes to every scheme of the enemy -
to treat me as if I’m not.

You, God, are God.
Your word is truth.
This day, Father, I choose to believe you.
In Jesus name -
Amen and Amen.

Alane D Brown

Friday, March 27, 2009

Do You Like Blogging?

Lately I’ve taken to learning new things about the internet, more specifically; searching for ways to make money working from home using the internet. A recent discovery is http://www.blogsvertise.com/ it offers a way for bloggers to get paid for blogging about their favorite topics!

Understand that there are plenty of scams out there, so please, do your own due diligence on each opportunity you find! Also remember this about making money on the internet; what works for one person may or may not work for the next. So please, do NOT take what I have to say as anything more than a suggestion.

I have found that I LOVE to blog! Not everyone likes to blog but if you DO like blogging then you may wish to go ahead and check out http://www.blogsvertise.com/ Advertisers want bloggers to talk about their products and services and pay people to do so.

http://www.blogsvertise.com/ is just one of several Paid Blogging Websites. If you enjoy blogging - you may as well get paid for it!

I am very interested in hearing about what you find out there.
If you have any questions - I will assist you the best I can.
Alane D Brown

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Forgiveness is an essential part of my relationship to God. It sets me free and takes me closer to Him, which is where I not only wish to be but need to be.
In fact the Bible says in Mark 11:25 AMP “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him and let it drop (leave it, let it go), in order that your Father Who is in heaven may also forgive you…”
Sometimes we are wounded or hurt. Sometimes others mistreat us or betray us. Unfortunately, that is just part of the world we live in.
Let me just speak for myself – Yes, I have been wounded, hurt, mistreated and betrayed. Frankly, I have been on both sides, both perpetrator and victim of such behaviors. When I seek the Lord and ask Him to forgive me for my “bad” behavior – I also need to seek His forgiveness any bad feelings I have towards others and to allow His love to enter my heart.
When I allow that type of forgiveness to really enter my heart – my forgiveness is complete and there is peace in my soul.
This is not something that always comes easy for me. What are your thoughts on forgiveness?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

God is our only answer

Personal Struggles-
We all have them. Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who gets caught up in such things. I look around and assume my Christian friends have it all together. I compare my insides and what I am feeling with their outsides. What nonsense – what a waste of time. Most often when I get “caught up in life”, what I am actually stuck in is myself and my own self reliance.
A friend recently reminded me of this when she said, “I am always here if you want to talk. I don't have all the answers, but I am well connected with the One who does!!! Remember always you are deeply loved!”
It’s great to have friends to talk things over with because they can remind us of our true source for truth and guidance. - God.
Do you ever get caught up in things like I do and temporarily forget Who has all the answers you need?
Maybe you have never turned to God before for answers. That's okay too. You can begin today! If that's something you would like assistance with or you have a specific prayer request - send an email to info@ChristianWomenNow.com or leave a comment right here on the blog. There are many people who would love to be in prayer with you and for you.
Alane D Brown

Monday, March 23, 2009

Beyond the Infraction

I was running late. Not only did I have my hair to dry and my clothes to iron but my husband presented me with his shirt to iron too. Don’t get me wrong, my husband is a great guy, but that irritated me. As I ironed, I grumbled inside. Okay, so I had gotten in the shower later than I should have. Sure, I hadn’t expected to have to do a quick mend on my blazer, but I could have made it, I thought. Now there was no chance for me to be ready on time. Knowing that my husband hates being late, made me want to blame him for the fact that he would soon be annoyed with me. Then I remembered something... I was fortunate to have a husband’s shirt to iron at all.

My sister-in-law had suffered from allergies and was always sniffling or sneezing. Like snoring, these sounds can become very irritating. My brother admitted to me that he used to complain about it but after her death in a car accident, he would have given anything to hear those sounds again! I’m glad that his words stuck in my head, and that God pulls them out occasionally and drags them into my heart. None of us know how long we will have a spouse with us, or a child or a parent. God is the only One who knows.

It’s very easy to fall into the trap of complaining about inconveniences, or the inconsiderate behavior of others. In our world of "hurry" we have less patience. Our schedules do not allow for things to deviate from our plan and we complain when it does. That’s why it takes a conscience effort to look beyond the infraction to the blessing. This is not easy, but we have a God who is ready to help us when we ask. He can give us His perspective and His patience to do it.

The shirt incident was a reminder for me to appreciate that I have a husband. A reminder that God has blessed me with someone to share my ups and downs with. Someone with whom I have produced a beautiful child with. That same person can be aggravating. He can even be wrong. However, I have the choice of whether to embrace the blessing or pick at the infractions. .

Be blessed-
Jeanine Black

PS. This is not a call to ignore abusive behavior. Seek help if you are in that type of situation!

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Joy of Recycling

Since the introduction of the bottle and can redemption program, I've noticed far fewer crumpled and rusted containers scattered along the roadside. The nickel deposit acts as the incentive to have containers returned for recycling. The transformation of these containers, from used and empty to new and useful, prevents them from eternal burial in a landfill. Since redemption is not a mandatory program, people still have the choice of what they will do with their empty containers. They can throw them in the trash. They can put them out for curbside recycling. They can take them to a redemption center for recycling and get a nickel for each one. Or, they could simply never open them and avoid having to do anything at all. Pretty ridiculous idea, I know.

God made all human beings to be useful and serve a purpose. Some end up crumpled and torn because of choices they've made, or from abuse received at the hand of another. They are often considered unredeemable trash and thrown by the roadside.

There are other humans who don't get so banged up by life. Their choices are not as detrimental, like the first group, even though they are still crushed and torn at times. Usually their potential for a new purpose is recognized, gaining them opportunities for second chances.

The third type of human appears unscathed by life. Preserving their reputation of being full is of utmost importance. They fight to protect themselves from being used for God's intended purpose. Being emptied and made into something else is not an option in their mind. Their arrogance often alienates them from making close friends and leads to inner loneliness.

Thankfully we have a Redeemer who sees beyond our outer appearance! Jesus knows our hurts, and sees our deep desire for another chance! He came to seek the crumpled, lost and discarded cans and bottles called people. His decision of whether to recycle you has NOTHING to do with your physical condition or how you're perceived by the world. It is based on His love and desire to have a relationship with you. However, He does not force anyone to be redeemed that doesn't want to be. Like recycling, you have the choice of what to do with your container.

Have you been used up or abused? Have you made bad choices that you regret? Do you want another chance to do things differently? The free gift of Redemption through faith in Jesus Christ is the only option that brings about lasting transformation. Making the choice to trust your life to God is something you do from the inside out. It is not merely something you say with your mouth. Empty yourself... admit the things you have done wrong and believe that God will help you overcome them. Give over your pride of self-sufficiency. Get into the recycling binTell God you need and want Him to make you new again. Trust that the Redeemer knows what He is doingrealize that there is nothing you can do to be redeemed. Believe that only Jesus can do it for you.

When you give yourself over to the Redeemer not only does He take you to the recycling plant, He gives YOU the nickel. It is a deposit for the eternal life to come.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it more abundantly. (John 10:10)

Be blessed-
Jeanine Black

Monday, March 9, 2009

Clinging to Crutches

A woman I know recently broke her leg in a skiing accident and has had to rely on crutches for a while. This type of crutch is not only helpful but necessary. However, there are other types of crutches that are not so helpful. Relying on something other than God to support us through our pain is called a crutch, and it actually extends the healing time. Many years ago, I had a crutch to help me with a fear of being alone, only I didn’t recognize it until God took it from me.

Over a period of two and a half years, I lived with a sense of fear and dread whenever my husband would travel. It started as a fear of being home alone and developed into a fear of him not returning. Just the thought of him going away sent me into a panic. The crutch I relied on was to stay with my parents, even though I didn’t sleep well there and cried every night after my husband's phone call. My day of liberation did finally come though, and I went from being crippled with fear to being crutch free.

Three days before one of my husband's trips, my parents announced that they would also be away. Panic immediately set in as I scrambled to find other crutches. I found none. Once I determined that I had no choice but to face this fear head on, I started praying. I shared my fear with a few women, not knowing if they would think my fear was ridiculous or take it seriously. They listened, prayed for me with sincerity and committed to pray for me while my husband was away. What an amazing gift I had received! Those women actually took my deep concern seriously and prayed for me in earnest. In the early evening of my husband's departure, I started to feel anxious and began to pray and read my Bible. A peace started to grow inside of me that I never had in that situation before. Later that evening one woman who had prayed for me called so I wouldn’t feel alone. The phone call and the prayers of my friends gave me strength to keep praying and trusting God. Whenever I awoke that night and felt fearstarting to creep in I would pray "God, please help me," and the fear would immediately go away! The sense of freedom and joy I had in the morning was incredible! I am so glad He took away my crutches so I had no choice but to trust Him.

Do you use crutches that keep you from relying on God for support? Perhaps you talk about your "problems" with friends, over and over again. Maybe you use alcohol to mask pain or overeat to soothe your emotions. There are many crutches but none of them can give restoration and joy like God can. I know that learning to trust God takes time and courage. An important step to developing trust is getting to know His character, how He has cared for people throughout time and the promises He has made to those who love Him. All of this can be found in the Bible and can often be heard in the testimonies of others. With God, you can be crutch free.

"Do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, surely I will help you,
Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10)
Be blessed-
Jeanine Black

Monday, March 2, 2009

Clay in the Potters Hand

"And yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand." (Isaiah 64:8 NLT)

My brother-in-law is a potter. Seeing his finished pieces brings awe, especially knowing the process it takes to get there. Starting out with a glob of semi-firm clay he adds a little water to make it more pliable, as he spins the "wheel," he then applies pressure to the top of the glob with his fingers to start transforming the glob into a vessel. He continues to mold the vessel into its desired shape by applying pressure to sides. Often he uses tools to further enhance the vessel's usefulness like creating a curved edge to keep the contents of the finished bowl from spilling. Once the shape is to his liking he again adds water, little by little, to gently smooth the surface. The air-dried piece goes into a kiln to be cooked, making it stronger and able to be used for its intended purpose. It takes a skilled craftsman not only to shape a lump of clay into a useful object, but more importantly, to produce an item without air bubbles or cracks, which would cause it to break, rendering it unusable.

God is one such craftsman. The Bible refers to people as clay and God as the "potter", the One who makes us into something useful. Since humans are flawed and prone to breakage, we need a skilled hand to fix those flaws and strengthen us. When we submit our desire to create ourselves into what we deem as useful, and allow God to do the creating, we begin to become truly useful to God. He smoothes our rough exterior, releases the air bubbles of pride, finds the hidden cracks that make us vulnerable and shapes us to be what is suited for the task He has in mind. Sometimes God may use His powerful hands to apply pressure to certain areas of our lives that need reshaping. Other times He may use another tool to completely cut off some habit or sin that weakens our effectiveness. At the same time, His hands are gentle, able to apply new clay to fill in the areas He has removed. Always, though, He keeps His purpose in mind, doing only what is necessary to achieve it. "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11 NLT)

Are we content to be clay in God's hands, or do we resist being molded into something new, something different? Even though we may not like who we are, somehow it seems more comfortable to stay that way instead of embracing the change God desires for us. However, there is great joy in being reshaped by God!

A. Peace in knowing that you are in the hands of a skilled physician rather than relying on a "Do-Your-Own-Surgery-at-Home" kit.
B. Assurance that the results will always improve your ability to be all God intends for you to be.
C. Knowledge that the process will always be accompanied with the loving care and support of your Heavenly Father.
D. Thanksgiving that God loves you so much, sees your potential and wants you to become whole.
E. A closer relationship with God that brings real fulfillment to your life.

To truly make a difference in this world, we must first be changed.

Be blessed-
Jeanine Black

Monday, February 23, 2009

Amazing Grace

(Please view the 20 -30 second video attached)
Twenty Five years ago today, I entered a drug rehabilitation program. I had been to several others that past year or two. I didn’t have any actual hope or desire to stay sober; I went to rehab in an attempt to get away from myself. Instead, I left there thirty days later believing in my gut that one day at a time, I could stay away from a drink and a drug. Rum had been my drink of choice but I drank anything. Cocaine was my drug and I took it straight into the veins but actually I used everything, anything to get high.

No, I am no longer crying poor me and didn’t understand that I was back then, all I knew was that I hurt. Everyone I believed was supposed to love me, had hurt me, used me and left me, except my mom. Her only “crime” was that she didn’t rescue me. Suicidal would have described me best, I think; however my attempts were weak and obviously didn’t work. Frankly, I just wanted the emotional pain to stop, wanted to shut off my brain, wanted to just be numb. Yet- deep inside - I longed for love, for friendships, for meaning and to know who I was made to be.

I was tough, inside and out. When I arrived in a twelve step program, grown men told me I frightened them. It was something I had practiced for years. I seethed anger- it hung over me like a thick cloud. No one came close – until I met Annie. She would come to the same meetings as I did, all dressed up in her pretty clothes, looking all happy and confident and she would plunk herself down in the seat next to me day after day. She saw past all the anger and the hurt. Worst of all, she would touch me when she spoke to me. Placing her hand on my leg or brushing the hair out of my face. She told me things would get better. It wasn’t anything I wanted to hear but I eventually began to believe her and one day at a time, they did. Annie was an angel, I believe.

I managed to stay sober and straight while I dealt with my past abuses, both the self inflicted ones and the others. I learned to forgive, other people and myself. I had the opportunity to return to school and got a degree. I met wonderful man and got married. I had one child from “before”, he came with two of his own and we had one together. (No, it’s not an episode of the Brady Bunch) Getting sober/straight was the toughest thing I have ever done. Praise God it’s not a struggle anymore but it was. I had buried tons of stuff – tons.

There have been many victories and challenges in my life since back then but I have learned along the way to take the lessons and the wisdom and to leave the emotions. Do I do that perfectly? No. I have learned to love and to allow others to love me. Do I allow it always? No. I have dispersed that cloud of anger and have found peace. Do I still get angry? Yes. I am not perfect although I am striving to be. What I am most pleased about is the amount of forgiveness I have in my heart for those who hurt me so badly as a child. They remain in my life to this day and I can say quite honestly that I love them. I give God all the credit for that.

It’s a day to be very grateful. It’s a day to remember that someone needs me to be their “Angel” and that’s why I am writing. Sorry it’s a bit long. Again, please watch the 20- 30 sec video attached.


Alane D Brown

Secret Societies: Inclusive or exclusive?

You are now a member of the secret society of Jeep Wrangler drivers . . . there was no initiation, no handbook, no warning. It came out of the blue one day as I was driving my Jeep Wrangler and noticed other drivers waving to me. It happened several times that week before I realized all of them had been driving the same type of Jeep as I was. "Hmmm," I thought, "that’s silly" and decided I wasn’t going to do it. Soon, though, I did find myself returning their waves and it became a habit. A month later as I was driving a different vehicle, I waved to a Jeep Wrangler driver and received no greeting in return. I was surprised and felt slighted until I realized I wasn’t driving the Jeep!

I know this sounds silly but it made me think . . . I was still the same person even though I was driving a different car but the others drivers only acknowledged me when I drove a vehicle that looked like theirs. It brought to mind the experience I had when I was looking for a church home and visited many in my area. They may have been biblically sound and offered many programs but almost all of them lacked the same thing, an absence of connection with visitors. Other than an usher greeting me, rarely did anyone speak with me before or after service. People tended to gravitate toward those who were familiar and I was not familiar. I knew I was a person just like them, even if I didn’t "drive the same type of car as they did," and I yearned for a connection, a reason to stay, a validation that I was worthy to be there.

Do you find yourself talking with the same people every week at church? You’re probably not intentionally ignoring anyone, but visitors and even people within your own church feel ignored! Without connection they will usually not return more than twice or for regular attendees, they may become less and less involved in ministry.

God made this real to me just yesterday. I had partly written this blog on Saturday and when I arrived at church yesterday there was a woman who said she was sick and wanted to find peace with God. As we began singing, I was flooded with the words of this blog and was overcome with knowing that I had to go sit with her. I felt inept at being able to meet her needs in any way but I couldn’t shake the overwhelming ‘burden’ to move, so I did. After service we began talking about general things and before I knew it, there were things she shared that I could counsel her on because they were part of my own testimony. I hadn’t planned anything, I only wanted to make her feel welcome in a new place, God did the rest! Was it easy to move during service when others would see me? No. Did I feel stupid and completely inept? Yes. Did God give me the words and heart to talk with her? Yes! Was she blessed? I believe so.

I'd like to challenge you to speak intentionally, next Sunday, with a visitor or another member of your church family whom you don’t normally spend time talking with. It may feel strange to you but it speaks volumes to them! They are yearning for connection and that may be where they first see God’s love for them. You, too, will be blessed.

Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 'For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.' (Matthew 25:34-36)
Be Blessed-
Jeanine Black

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Sabbath Days Walk

A Sabbath Days Walk

Then they returned to Jerusalem from the hill called the Mount of Olives, a Sabbath day's walk from the city. (Acts 1:12 NIV)

A Sabbath days walk is approximately ¾ of a mile - (about 1,100 meters).

This verse made me think back and had me remembering when. There was a time before I knew Jesus when I was addicted to drugs. Do you know - I would walk miles to get those drugs? In fact, I would plan my whole day around it if I had to. During those days all my thinking was wrapped up in addictive behaviors. It was very self serving behavior. Praise God, I am healed and no longer need to behave in that way.

The questions that arose from remembering back were these. Do I willing walk the distance that God asks me to walk? When He says, “go” do I move willingly without even questioning it as I did when I was seeking drugs?

Sometimes God asks us to walk great distances both physically, emotionally and Spiritually. He wants us to grow in Him and go tell others. Some of us are called across the globe and others to our neighbors, friends and relatives.
My questions are – Am I going in the direction God is calling? Am I in self serving mode or God serving mode? Am I walking that Sabbath Days walk for the Lord?

Thursday, February 19, 2009


The Wind

Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.
(Acts 2:2 NIV)

References to the sound of wind blowing, in some Biblical Scripture, is often times used to represent the movement of the Holy Spirit.

Isn’t that cool? Many times, when I’m out walking and the wind blows it reminds me of God’s love, His very presence in my life. Frequently, I can’t actually hear the wind but I can hear the fluttering of leaves caught up in its current. I can see the branches of a mighty Oak tree blowing, swaying and bending as they become caught up within the gusts and movement of the wind.

It reminds me how strong and powerful the Lord is. It reminds me to be at peace because just as He is moving the branches of those trees, He is moving the branches of my life. I can rest, knowing He is in control of all things and therefore, I do not need to be.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Be a Christian in Action

He said to them: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. "Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven." – (Acts 1:7-11 NIV)

Wow! All this took place after Christ died on the cross and rose again. He was physically standing there and speaking with them. Imagine the awe the apostles must have been experiencing. Then, having been told they are His witnesses, Christ just disappears into the Heavens.

I don’t know about you but I would have been standing there staring at the sky for some length of time just as they did! Praise God for the angels He sent to tell them Jesus would come back someday. Most likely their appearance encouraged the disciples to go ahead and be the witnesses they were asked to be.

Since the very day I came to understand that Jesus is Lord and Savior and He entered my heart, I have been looking to the sky and waiting for his return. However, standing there gazing upward does not accomplish what God has asked me to do. I am to tell others of Him. I must be a Christian action.

Six Ways to Stay in Touch

Many of my favorite friends and relatives live very far away from me. They are all very precious, so staying in touch and letting them know they are loved, appreciated and valued is highly important. If you have long distant friendships you want to nurture, try using these tips to stay in touch and also please share your thoughts on how you reach out to your loved ones far away.

Send a card: I like to pick out special cards or sometimes even make a card and send them a word of encouragement through the mail.

Leave a Voice Mail: Very often, one of my friends come to mind and I she is unavailable but I go ahead and call anyways and leave her a message letting her know how precious she is to me.

Send an Email: I love to send out quick emails to people I love when I find they are on my heart and in my prayers. I like to include my signature (((HUGS))) – This is actually my personal favorite way of letting people know God has me praying for them.

Schedule Time for an Actual Call: Email back and forth until you find a time that is convienent for both of you. Just the emailing between you shows commitment to the friendship.

Always Be Trustworthy: Whatever way you choose to communicate, treat each communication with respect. Never share personal thoughts and prayer requests with others.

Share Photo’s: There are so many ways to do this – email, snail mail, video, face book, my space, etc. Pictures are a fantastic way to share our life with others.

Say I Love You: I do this as often as I can. In my opinion it can never be said enough.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Children Learn What They Live

Let me begin by sharing two lines from a poem written by Dorothy Law Nolte
If a child lives with encouragement. She learns confidence.
If a child lives with security. She learns to have faith.

The complete poem can be found here.

Recently my husband and I attended our teen age daughters cheerleading competition, which we have done every time her team has competed for the past four years. She is a flyer on the team. Meaning she is one of the girls they toss up or hold up into the air while she performs gymnastic type moves and then they catch her as she comes down. It’s not my cup of tea, give me a softball, a bat and a glove and I’m happy but this is the sport she chose, so we 100% support her.

This competition was a bit different because we had spent several hours the day before in the emergency room having her checked out after she had fallen out of a stunt and hit her head. Also two days prior it had happened as well. So within three days she had fallen twice from the same stunt. After a very long assessment of my daughters’ health and some lengthy discussion, the emergency room Doctor gave Taylor permission to cheer – just for the competition if she took the week off following. As loving parents we were nervous but we did not want to instill fear in her. She LOVES cheering, in fact during “cheer season” she eats, sleeps and breathes cheering.

We arrived at the gym about 15 minutes before the event began and she came over with her coach to explain to us that she had once again fallen during the same stunt however not on her head and that she still wanted to go on. My husband reluctantly gave the okay.

So the girls took their places and the music began. I was actually sweating and praying, sweating and praying as I watched each step they took, it was like slow motion. Up she went and perfectly preformed her Scorpion. Up she went again and perfectly performed her Basket Toss. Up again in to the Double Twist (this was the move they had been struggling with) and down she came in to the hands of her teammates and safely to the mat.

I looked at my husband with giant tears in my eyes and said, “I am so proud of her. That took so much courage and trust. I don’t think I could have done that” and he said, “Yes you would have. Where do you think she has learned to have courage like that? It’s from you Babe, She’s been watching you!
I praise God that I know I can do all things through Him – and that I have been a living witness to my daughter.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Take the Plunge 3: More swimming lessons

Do you like ice-cream? If you had never tasted it before and someone described it, you would get an idea of what it is like. It’s sweet, colorful, creamy, sometimes has chunks of chocolate in it, and is served on a waffle textured cone. Would that totally fulfill your curiosity about what ice-cream is like or would eating it yourself do a better job? Well, studying the bible is somewhat like that. Teachers and pastors teach you what the Word of God is all about and even how it applies to your life but really to savor and enjoy it fully is to taste it for yourself. Please don’t misunderstand me, I am not saying those Sunday school teachers and pastors are a second rate way to study the bible or that God doesn’t reveal truths to you as you listen, on the contrary they are an extremely integral part of our spiritual growth. What I am saying is that spending one-on-one time with God and letting Him teach you, makes your spiritual walk fuller and deeper. As I’ve talked about in the first two blogs, immersing yourself in the Word brings inner change and a closer relationship with God.

The two swimming lessons below are similar to yesterday’s however they use additional flotation devices to aid you.

Be in a bible study group. Join a group that studies the Word, not a feel good book, and uses a curriculum that includes homework. The homework is when you spend alone time with God and let Him teach and speak to you. My favorite bible study group of all time is Community Bible Study. I learned more in the five years I attended than I had up to that point. It combines all the facets I mentioned teacher, pastor, great curriculum and one-on-one time with God plus the bonus of support from other women. There are groups all over this country and internationally as well so check out their website under ministries/courses to find the locations near you. www.communitybiblestudy.org

Use a bible study book on your own. There are so many to choose from but they are not all equal. I suggest one that offers both questions about the scripture and its application to you. Topical studies are okay if they are rooted in and focused on scripture. If you don’t have a store nearby check out www.christianbook.com. Two of the ones I’ve used are a series by Cynthia Heald and also the Spirit Filled Life Bible Discovery Guides that focus on a specific book of the bible. Most any study from Navpress is good and I’ve heard the new video curriculum from "That the World May Know" series is great.

I hope I have encouraged you to go deeper in your study of the Bible so that you may find lasting refreshment, renewal and wisdom. And again, I welcome your comments.
Be blessed-
Jeanine Black

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Take the Plunge 2: Swimming lessons

I love to read and study God’s Word! It’s exciting to see how the words written long ago apply to us today. I’ve learned so much about who God is, His character, His promises, His plans and His love for people. Understanding why God said or did certain things helps me completely trust Him with my life. Another reason I love to read and study the bible is its one of the ways God "speaks" to me. I do not hear His actual voice but as I read He reveals the meaning of a particular scripture and uses that to guide me through a situation, become aware of an area I need to work on or equip me for a future task. It’s so amazing! Today I want to share a "swimming lesson" I’ve used to immerse myself in the Word and experience inner change.

Journaling- This is my absolute favorite right now. Gather a bible and a notebook, choose a book of the bible to read, praise God in prayer and ask for wisdom then start reading. As you read stop and write any bible verse down that stands out to you and what stands out to you about it. As you’re thinking about that, God may show you a deeper meaning or how it relates to your own life so write that down too. This is the goal for the exercise so read until something stands out to you and continue to read to a logical stopping place to get a fuller context of the verse you've written down; follow up by writing any additional thoughts. Sometimes God floods my mind and heart with a lot and other times it’s less so don’t get caught up in that; many times a fuller understanding comes a few days later as I read further in that book. End your session with prayer. This process has deepened my relationship with God and taught me to hear His voice. Having a journal like this has also helped when I’ve gotten stuck and felt my life was not moving forward. Going back and reading what I wrote over a period of time revealed to me a thread of consistency where God had revealed an area in my life I needed to work on. When I saw the bigger picture I was able to identify that area and do something about it.

Try this and let me know how you like it or write and let me know the way you get into Gods’ Word and the inner changes you've had. Tomorrow I’ll share with you a few other swimming lessons.

"All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right." (2 Timothy 3:16 NLT)

Be blessed-
Jeanine Black

Monday, February 9, 2009

TAKING THE PLUNGE: Wading vs. immersion

For two short years my husband and I owned a swimming pool. How fun it was to do handstands with my daughter and float around on an inner tube but the best part was cooling off on a really hot day. It took me a while to learn the trick to it though because the air temperature made the water feel so cold I often sat on the edge and only put my legs in. Sometimes I would float on top of the water allowing only a small portion of my body to get wet however neither of those tactics actually gave me lasting relief from the heat. Our body temperature actually rises when it’s hot out and a cool breeze or a quick dip doesn’t lower the temperature but only cools the outer surface of our skin. To find lasting refreshment I had to immerse my whole body in the water so that my inner temperature actually changed.

So why am I talking about swimming when there’s a foot of snow outside and a windchill of 10 degrees; because it reminds me of the way people approach studying the Word of God, the bible. Some hover on the surface and learn the face value of scripture, while others immerse themselves in it learning personal application and are changed from the inside out! Those that float may say they don’t know how to swim or that people should only swim with the assistance of a teacher but I want to assure them that they CAN swim on their own and experience inner transformation and refreshment. "This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard and understood the truth about God’s wonderful grace". (Colossians 1:6)

Are you seeking lasting refreshment, renewal and wisdom? Check back tomorrow as I share some different ways to dive into the Word of God and find it.
Be blessed-
Jeanine Black

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

DISTRACTION 101B: A Tool of Confusion

Satan is always trying to get God’s people to stumble. His toolbox is full of nasty tools to twist our thinking, cause us to doubt God, and puff up our pride. He loves to see us striving to accomplish something in our own strength with no thought of God at all. Sometimes his tactics are difficult to recognize since he can masquerade as an angel of light. "...Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light." (1 Corinthians 11:14)

The first time I fell for one of his "tools of light" I had been asked to teach a youth Sunday school class. I was told I had some kind of gift but I certainly didn’t see it. I prayed and after telling God all of the reasons I wasn’t qualified I felt compelled to do it anyway. A joy came over me even though I was quite nervous. This is when Satan stepped in.

As soon as I agreed with God I was flooded with a million ideas of how to reach out to church visitors through our outside bulletin board. Since I was an experienced Graphic Designer, it appeared to me that this may be a better fit than teaching. After an agonizing week I realized that I didn’t have the " joy" to design bulletin boards that I had with the possibility of teaching. I made the final choice to teach and almost immediately the other ideas evaporated.

Perhaps you can see why it was hard to see through Satan’s attack. It was obvious that I had the experience to design a bulletin board and drawing more people into the church was certainly important!

You may also be faced with two ideas that seem equally ‘good’ on the surface so here are some signs to gauge if a "good" thing may actually be a distraction.

- You feel completely qualified and able to do it all without relying on God’s wisdom.
- You get into the "I have to, I need to, I want to . . . " mode of business; No need for God’s help.
- There’s a lack of joy.
- Confusion sets in. Just remember this "God is not a God of confusion but of peace." (1 Corinthians 14:33)

Be blessed,
Jeanine Black

Monday, February 2, 2009

DISTRACTION 101: The Benefit of Blinders

Have you ever seen a horse wearing these leather flaps around their eyes? They’re called "blinders" and they are used to restrict the horses ' peripheral vision enabling them to pay attention to what is in front of them. They are commonly used in situations where there may be a lot of diversions, such as crowded city streets, to keep the horse from becoming distracted or spooked. Although we humans would look ridiculous wearing this type of headgear we could really benefit from a pair!

Do you ever compare yourself to another? It could be about outward appearance, possessions, abilities or how your circumstances stack up against theirs. The list is endless in this analytical game we play but the results are always predictable; you will either deem yourself better or worse than your unknowing opponent or maybe conclude that you and they are even, but regardless of the outcome no one is really the winner! Looking at what is beside you causes distraction and just as a horse can become frightened and run off in the wrong direction, comparing yourself to another can take you from God’s intended destination.

As a writer I can look at other writers and see myself as better than they and then let my pride direct my words, or I can see myself as less talented and stop writing all together. Either way I am being ineffective and being robbed of the joy I receive when I follow Gods direction. Looking sideways I focus on how I rate as a writer; the focus is then on me but looking forward I see the goal of helping others deepen their relationship with God through what I write.

I once heard this gem of wisdom and I’ve never forgotten it: "You should never compare yourself to anyone except Jesus. When you compare yourself to another person you see yourself as either better or worse than them. When you compare yourself to Jesus than you see yourself as you truly are!" Humility causes us to look to the only One that can give us true worth. "Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time." (1 Peter 5:6)

To be effective in whatever area God has directed you to, strap on those blinders, stop looking at what’s around you and focus on what is in front of you!
Be blessed,
Jeanine Black

Sunday, February 1, 2009

February 1, 1991 ?

That’s my wedding date! Today my husband and I have been married for eighteen years!
Wow. He is the best. I love him more today than when we first married. We have laughed together and cried together and most importantly, we have prayed together, always. We share our hearts, our secrets, and our hopes – always in honesty. He is my gift from God.

Back twenty years ago or so when we met, I wasn’t looking for a relationship in fact, just the opposite. I had been hurt so badly by every man I had ever let close to my heart that I was just done done with them all. My son was six and the two of us were very happy. We had our own little place and we were both in school. He was in the first grade and I was a junior in college. I had gone back to school to get a degree and a good job so I would never have to depend on anyone (a guy) ever again. But then it happened – I met Darrin.

We both needed our hearts to be mended – we both were “on guard” but love prevailed. We were instant best friends and so were our children. I had the one and he came with two. A ready made family, God wove us all together – (along with our fourth child who we had together – much later) and we DO depend on one another but not in a negative sense. We matter to one another, deeply. In a way no words could ever express –

February 1, 2009 is a day for reflection – “I love you Darrin”

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)

Alane D Brown

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Keeping It Real - Day Six - My Miracle of Physical Healing and More!

This is my last blog in “keeping it Real”. Hopefully you feel like you know me a bit more than when I began. The outlook through my eyes is hopeful, peaceful and joy filled. It’s my desire that is what you saw in these last few blogs.

My eyes are set on God as I continue on from my recent illness.
Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:28-31

Friday, January 30, 2009

Keeping it Real Day - A Miracle of Comfort

While creating this video many "lessons" and passages came to my mind. How about for you - Did it "say" anything to you? Do you see God's word in it? Please share your thoughts-
Alane D. Brown

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Keeping it Real Day Four - My Miracle of Self Esteem

Self Esteem is something I have struggled with my whole life mostly because of early childhood abuse. I always felt like someone had stolen away a huge part of who I was meant to be. It’s taken me a very, very long time to come to terms with who I am and to know that I am whole and that I am lovable. It’s been a journey of deep self discovery – one I am grateful to have walked. One I will continue to walk because it’s my journey. It’s the road I am on and it makes me who I am…and I am very OKAY! Hope you enjoy this short video!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Keeping it Real Day Three

Can we face extreme challenges and remain the same?“Whatever doesn’t destroy you makes you stronger!” How many times have we heard that old cliché? But it’s so true, isn’t it? While struggling through a recent illness I found I learned so much about myself like the amount of strength there is inside of me and the amount wisdom acquired through the years. That not only could I endure terrific physical pain, that I could handle enormous amounts of emotional pain simultaneously and glean wonderful spiritual lessons from it. Isn’t it amazing, that it’s possible to learn lessons in the most extreme places and then carry those lessons with you - with gratitude and grace? Certainly I have more love, more empathy more inner peace and calmness than prior to my resent struggles. God is so good!
Have you experienced anything like this? Tell us about it. I know there are lots of us who have learned lessons along the way that can inspire others. Talk with you soon!
Alane D. Brown

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

Keeping it Real - You Have the Faith it Takes!

Alane Brown

The Uninvited

The hymn "It Is Well With My Soul" states a profound truth . . . "our sins were nailed to the cross not in part but in whole and we bear them no more, praise the Lord."

Are there certain confessed sins that seem to find there way back to you? These uninvited visitors bring Aunt Condemnation and Uncle Guilt with them to try and convince you that you’re still guilty. They’ll rattle your confidence and plant a seed of doubt of whether God has really forgiven you after all. "Okay, maybe He’s forgiven you for some sins" they’ll say "but I doubt He’s forgiven you for these really offensive ones." It reminds me of the serpent asking Eve "did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?" (Genesis 3:1) But as the song says our sins, not in part, but in whole were nailed to the cross that Jesus died on and with His death we were forgiven of ALL of them. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1John1:9) This is amazing news for those who have a true relationship with the God of the Universe through Jesus Christ his son!

Did you know that He forgets them to? "And I will forgive their wrong doings, and I will never again remember their sins." (Hebrews 8:12) So the next time those unwanted guests try to visit be assured they were not sent by God to remind you of their existence so don’t let them in. It’s the enemy trying to trip you up and get you to take your focus off of God. Instead keep moving forward as Paul told the Philippians, "But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3: 13-14)

Be blessed,
Jeanine Black

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Expect Your Expectations 3

Sunday Morning!
Welcome- I am a bit nervous doing this but I am willing to try.
Let me know what you think
Alane D. Brown

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Expect Your Expectations 2

Inspiration + Action = Success
Go you want to know what God is asking you to do... try this, When you feel inspired, take action and see what comes about.
Alane D. Brown

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Expect Your Expectations

It’s Up To You!
Do you know what your passion is? It's up to you to discover it. No one can discover it for you. You were created with it inside of your soul from the very beginning. Just think for a minute, what makes you truly happy?
Quiet your mind and realize your thoughts. What makes you smile on the inside. There is something that lights up your heart. There is something that you desire to accomplish and when you think about it, it stirs your very soul. You know it's for you to do and if you allow your mind to go deep enough, you even have a plan. You know the course of action you need to take. You have a passion, a purpose.
Doesn't it make sense to you that your passion, and your desire to accomplish it, would make you happy? There's something that will fulfill you, that will make you feel whole, and it's inside your heart. You are the only one who really knows what that is. So forget what everyone else is telling you. What are YOU telling you?
Some of us have been told that our dreams are unrealistic. Some have gone so far as to say that we are day dreamers. Some of the people that love us the most have crushed our spirits unknowingly. We have let their opinions about life and about us control our destiny. Well it's time we control our own destiny. Time we control our own lives. Today, decide that life will no longer control you but rather, you will control your own life.
It's time to stop thinking I can't, and know that you can. No one's going to do it for you. Seek your passion seek your dreams -- pray. Ask God for direction after all, he created you with a purpose in mind.
If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. (James 1:5)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I Saw What I saw by Sara Groves

Heard this song today and it touched my soul. It is called I Saw What I saw and it's by Sara Graves Here is a link to see the video and hear the song. http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=b6f2cb00fa352ebc74b9
It's SO inspirational. (I have emailed her and invited her to join our BraveHeart Women Community! Here are the Lyrics:
I saw what I saw and I can’t forget it –
I heard what I heard and I can’t go back –
I know what I know and I can’t deny it-

Something along the road- Cut me to the soul-
Your pain has changed me… Your dreams inspire.
Your face a memory – Your hope a fire-
Your courage asks me –
What I am afraid of- And what I know of love.

We’ve done what we’ve done and we can’t erase it-
We are what we are and it’s more than enough.
We have what we have but it’s no substitution-
Something along the road- Cut me to the soul-
Your pain has changed me… Your dreams inspire.
Your face a memory – Your hope a fire-
Your courage asks me –
What I am afraid of- And what I know of love.

I say what I say with no hesitation-
I have what I have but I’m giving it up-
I do what I do with a deep conviction-

Something along the road- Cut me to the soul-
Your pain has changed me Your dreams inspire.
Your face a memory – Your hope a fire-
Your pain has changed me Your dreams inspire.
Your face a memory – Your hope a fire-
Your courage asks me – what I am afraid of-
Your courage asks me -What I am made of
Your courage asks me -What I am afraid of
And what I know of love
And what I know of God

Leave your thoughts after the video....
Alaned. bROWN

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hope and Faith -

It was last year, during January of 2008, that my illness crept back in and attempted to control my life! God has always been so good to me, always, however during this particular time in my life He just poured His love out and over me again and again. My husband and I had no idea what we were in for when we entered the hospital that day in early January,

I was to have a medical test. Well, it’s a little more than a test because it involved being there for a day and having a little mini camera go through my arteries looking for blockages. It’s not a big deal because I’ve had the procedure more times than I can remember. So I have become a bit of a pro at it – of all things! (Obviously by now you have figured I hadn’t been in the best health for some time prior to this event)

The Doctors and I understood before the test, that most likely we would find the reason for this new reoccurring pain, was a blockage of some kind, either in my arterial graft or near to it. The hope was they could clear it reasonably easy. However, that was not going to be the case. I would need a major surgery to clear away the scar tissue found inside the graft.

So, it wasn’t what we expected. That was alright with me because I totally believed and understood that it was not a surprise to God! He knew exactly what was going on with my health. As we discussed what next steps had to be taken – I knew exactly where to place my hope and faith… “And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.” (Romans 5:5)

Knowing I was in the Lord’s hands the surgery was scheduled for the very next day.

Monday, January 19, 2009

A "Charmed" Life

Looking at my daughter’s charm bracelet, admiring each little charm, I pondered their significance. There were the typical ones representing vacations, activities and pastimes but also ones that marked the spiritual milestones in her life like the Noah’s Ark, Icthus (symbol for a Christian), and "believe". Looking at the charms reminded me how God has been directing her path since birth. When my daughter gave her testimony and was baptized at age 11 (Icthus) she told of the process God used to bring her to the point of asking Him into her life. When I remember her five years of volunteering at Vacation Bible School (Noah’s Ark) I see how God used it to help her find her passion to be an elementary school teacher. Remembering those things gives me renewed confidence to trust Him with every aspect of my life!

Repeatedly in the Old Testament the Israelites were reminded of the ways God had protected, provided for and blessed them. They were no different from you and me; when the going got tough, they wanted to do things their way. Remembering what God had done, renewed their faith in Him despite what their circumstances were telling them. "How amazing are the deeds of the Lord! All who delight in Him should ponder them." (Psalm 111:2- Read the whole chapter)

I urge you to reflect back on the things God has done in your life, how He has protected, provided for and blessed you? If your memory is anything like mine try one of these memory keepers: Keep scrap paper next to a container in your kitchen and every time God moves in your life write it down and put it in the jar OR get a small notebook and write it in there. Then when you need some assurance go back and take a look!

Okay, here’s a question for you . . . if you had a spiritual charm bracelet what would be on it? Write and tell me!

Be blessed,
Jeanine Black

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Are You Going To Finish Strong?

There’s always been a feeling in my gut that said, Alane; you are here for a reason. Just keep going. Just keep seeking what it is that God has given you to do. Do the next thing and if you fail – do it again or make some adjustments and try again. Just don’t quit.

Have you ever had that feeling? Do you know you are here for a reason? That God has plans for you. The Bible says: “I Know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

I have to be honest, I have felt like quitting. I have been knocked down and not hurried back to my feet. I have sat in self pity and have even fallen into depression. And do you know what that makes me? It makes me human. Sure, looking back it’s easy to say that on several occasions I could have shown more hope, more strength, and more faith in the Lord but I didn’t and it’s done, in the past. What did happen was I gained. Yes, I gained hope, trust and faith in God. I gleaned the Wisdom God wished for me to understand.

My relationship with God grew deeper and that’s the most important thing and after that, the fact remains that I didn’t quit! No, I have always stood back up and that’s why when I saw this video http://www.maniacworld.com/are-you-going-to-finish-strong.html I knew it needed to be shared. It’s a reminder to all of us. We have everything we need to stand back up and finish strong! Go watch it. It’s two minutes long and worth every second!
Here is the link again: http://www.maniacworld.com/are-you-going-to-finish-strong.html
Alane D. Brown

Friday, January 16, 2009

Finding a Father

Growing up in my home with my family wasn't always easy. Certainly I'm not writing to complain all these years later. In fact, I am who I am today because of my past and that includes both the good and the bad and I happen to think that I’m pretty cool and very "Okay". Anyways, tons of people have grown up in difficult situations, I just happen to be one of them.

One of the things that made growing up in my home complicated was my father's abusive behavior. I was the only girl of four children and desperately wanted a sweet, kind, loving dad like all my friends had. In fact it was something that I cried about more than often.

There were many nights that I cried because of some type of physical pain I had endured but the deepest of that pain came simply because it had been my dad who had inflicted the hurts upon me to begin with. There were many nights he hadn't physically touched me at all, but still I cried because there was no hug, no bed-time story and no love. As awful as things became (speaking of the physical abuse) I STILL wanted him to love me and I desperately just wanted to hear – “I love you Alane” but it never happened.

So I grew up for the most part without the love of a father - so imagine what it felt like to someone like me when I read in the Bible one day…” And I will be a father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” ( 2 Corinthians 6:18) My eyes lit up and my heart jumped inside my chest! I had found my true Father and He did want me and most importantly He did love me.

It took some time to understand all that this meant but for me it was some of the best news I had ever heard. I needed a dad. Someone to talk to, someone who would listen, someone who would love me no matter what and that is exactly the type of relationship I share with my Daddy in Heaven today.

Just sharing the happiness I have in my heart this morning…
and wondering - Do you need the love of God in your life today?
Alane D. Brown

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Who’s in your family tree?

Okay, I’ll admit it I’m addicted to genealogy! I just love researching old census records, photographs, family lore and the like to find out who my ancestors were. Yes, I have found some "nuts" clinging to my family tree but I bet most trees have them. Most of my relatives were regular, hard-working people with nothing that made them stand out except for two who were "rebels with a cause." One is famous and the other is virtually unknown. Does my relation to them make me special somehow? No. But there is someone I’m related to that does make me, and you, special!

When you began a relationship with God through admitting you had done wrong against Him, had a true desire to change and realized that you needed Him to do so then accepted that Jesus took your punishment for sinning against God you became a
"child of God." So you are officially in the lineage of God! Wow, now that changes the look of your family tree doesn’t it? There’s God and directly below Him is YOU! There are no "nuts" or famous people between you and God, just God then you! Now that's a relationship that does make us something special.

So the next time the world tries to tell you you’re unlovable, worthless or too scarred from your past to be of any use, just remember whose child you are. God has forgiven and forgotten your past and wants to help you become all that He knows you are. Focus on who’s at the top of your spiritual family tree and keep on growing!

If you don't have this kind of relationship with God yet, We're here to tell you that you can and you can have it TODAY! (Please feel free to write us if you want to know more at: info@ChristianWomenNow.com .)

"For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God." (1 John 5:4-5 NIV)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Beyond The Burger

While thumbing through an “Everyday with Rachael Ray” magazine I saw a picture of one of the yummiest looking cheeseburgers that I have ever seen. So, I stopped to read the caption. It said, “MOUNTAIN HIGH – This smoky cheeseburger’s a star that hasn’t forgotten where it came from” and I thought as I chuckled - “WOW - that must be some burger!” …It’s smoky, it’s a star and it even remembers things! That’s pretty impressive for a burger, don’t you think? Maybe you are not as impressed as I seem to be but, I am someone who struggled with poor self esteem for most of my life so, this struck a cord with me. Just imagine if we complimented one another using words like that! What would that do, not only for our own self esteem, but the self esteem of others whom we love? Certainly everyone deserves such praise – Don’t you think? So what would such powerful words do for those we don’t even know? Or for people some may look at and judge for where they are in life? Wouldn’t such powerful words be able to uplift even the most broken-spirited woman’s soul? Couldn’t our words heal a multitude of past hurts and emotional scars? Wouldn’t God be so pleased if we used our words to build each other up? If we remembered to speak positive healing words in every aspect of our lives? In fact, I am thinking of a couple of specific women, who could certainly use hearing some healing, positive words spoken over them today. I am going to give them a call and share what God has placed on my heart for them - You might wish to do the same for other women in your life. I believe that together, we can assist broken-spirited, wounded women to heal and become EVERYTHING God created them to be! “Love means doing what God has commanded us, and He has commanded us to love one another, just as you heard from the beginning.” (2 John 1:6, NLT)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Are You Up For a Challenge?

Are You Up For A Challenge?

Sometimes we don’t spend the time we need to or intend to spend with God. There are various reasons for this but my guess would be the root cause is inconsistency. Whenever we do things each day and make it a point to not let anything get in the way, then we form habits. Some habits are wonderful, like spending quality time with God everyday.
(If you are someone who is currently in a wonderful relationship with the Lord, this challenge will not apply to you. We will find a different challenge for you sometime at a later date.)

Here is the challenge.
Spend just one minute in prayer with God everyday. Tell Him you want to know Him better and that you need His assistance in remembering to come and be with Him each day. Tell Him you love Him. Just give Him one minute and see how it might change your life.

It doesn’t matter what is happening in our lives. We need both to speak and listen to God.
“Rejoice and exult in hope; be steadfast and patient in suffering and tribulation; be constant in prayer.” Romans 12:12 (Amplified Bible)

If you are reading this post and are going to pledge yourself to this challenge and would like someone in your life for accountability – I would love to be that person. There’s no judging here – We will be accountable to one another. We are sisters and are here for each other. You can leave a message for me here or send me an email: Alane@ChristianWomenNow.com
I look forward to hearing from you.
Alane D. Brown

Monday, January 12, 2009

What’s under the hood?

Looking at the falling snow today reminded me of the time a man got his truck stuck in our driveway with his wheels spinning in the snow. My husband tried to push him out with his own truck but his wheels spun too. Next he tried our Jeep Wrangler which was an odd scene I thought, a little Jeep, half the size of a truck, trying to do what his big truck could not. As my husband positioned the nose of the Jeep against the bumper of the pick-up truck, I watched with a little bit of skepticism. When he started to push against the truck’s bumper its wheels spun briefly then it edged slightly forwards caught some traction and was soon out of the snow! What gave this little vehicle the power to do a task that seemed impossible? It was what was under the hood! You see, the Jeep had something different that the other two trucks did not. It had 4-wheel drive.

This is a great picture of the life of a Christian. So often we try to push our way through things using our own effort and strength only to end up spinning our wheels and going nowhere. While all along we’ve had something special "under our hoods’ that would make the impossible task possible but we’ve chosen not to use it.

So what are you facing today that seems overwhelming or impossible? Maybe it’s struggling to make ends meet or figuring out how to work with an unapproachable teacher, or even trying to keep house, provide meals and be a good Mom while you have two little ones underfoot. Whatever the task is, big or small, if it’s important to you it’s important to God! However, just as my husband chose to utilized the 4-wheel drive option, we must choose to seek God’s help.

Okay, what are you waiting for? Take your hands off the steering wheel, step away from the vehicle, find a quiet place and take time to thank God for who He is and ask Him to provide what He knows is needed to complete the task at hand and He will.

"Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand." (Philippians 4:6-7a NLT)
©Jeanine Black 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

"Ya - But Land"

“Ya – But Land"

Have you ever been to Ya- But Land? If not, then stay clear! It is NOT the place you want to be! It's not a safe place to stand, it's worse than quick sand. If you have ever visited than you know it’s not a place you wish to revisit.

If you haven’t a clue what I am talking about then – Good for you! “Ya-But Land" is a fictitious place created in a persons mind. It is created by following every good idea that comes to you with two little words, “Ya and But”.

Let me give you a few personal examples:
Friend - “Alane, I like your poetry, maybe you should write a book!”
Alane – “Ya but what if no one else likes them?”

Friend – Alane, That speech you gave was very inspiring, may be you should speak more often.
Alane – Ya but what if I get all nervous and everyone can tell?”

Or even as simple as … Let’s go to a movie tonight! "Ya – but, What if it snows."

“Ya buts” talk you right out of everything and leave you stuck in the same place day after day, year after year. You can easily see that “Ya-buts” are created through fear. So let’s remember: “God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”
(2 Timothy 1:7)

For years “Ya-buts” kept me from following my heart and from seeking my dreams. I am grateful I am no longer stuck in “Ya but Land”. I learned the quickest way out was to quiet my mind and practice just saying a simple yes to myself and to others. Positive action, practice and constancy created the necessary changes in my mind and life.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Seek Your Dream

Do you have enough courage to dream, to search your heart and seek what God has placed in there for you to accomplish?

Most likely it’s been inside of you for years and years and just won’t leave. It’s probably something you have thought about doing time and time again but have never moved forward with it. The reason it is still there, is because you are destined to do it. Once you have accomplished the beginning of the dream, God will open up the door even wider and allow you to see even more of the blessings and vision He has in store for you!

Sometimes the dream is clear and sometimes a bit foggy but whatever condition you see it in right now, doesn’t matter. God has placed it there for you. It is a gift and He wants you to begin to follow it and then, continue to seek His plan for you. I can guarantee you, that when you are living your purpose and serving God, you will be happier than you have ever been, because you will be a path the Lord has formed for you!

Some of us may have lost sight of our dreams for a period of time. That’s okay. It’s a new year. Instead of making New Year resolutions and promises to yourself try this: Sit down or kneel down and pray. Seek Gods plan for your life. Remember, what God said in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Trust in the Lord the creator of your dreams.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Have you ever felt wounded or like your spirit
was broken? Maybe you have felt worthless or just plain unlovable. If so, then
you have come to the right place!

I once felt wounded and broken myself
and searched for love in all the wrong places. Eventually I discovered that I
was searching for the wrong kind of love altogether. It was only when I came to
know Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life that I found true love.

My desire is to help women find, in Christ, the true love and acceptance
they are seeking. I pray for them to know that they are lovable and precious to
Him. I found that when I understood and accepted His love for me, I was able to
support other women along their way. We are all at a different stage in our
journeys and yet united in Christ. We are all sisters in God’s family.

Do you want to know what true love is? Do you need the love of God in
your life today? Let me assure you that it is very real and that He is waiting
and eager to show you exactly where that true love can be found!

