Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Take the Plunge 3: More swimming lessons

Do you like ice-cream? If you had never tasted it before and someone described it, you would get an idea of what it is like. It’s sweet, colorful, creamy, sometimes has chunks of chocolate in it, and is served on a waffle textured cone. Would that totally fulfill your curiosity about what ice-cream is like or would eating it yourself do a better job? Well, studying the bible is somewhat like that. Teachers and pastors teach you what the Word of God is all about and even how it applies to your life but really to savor and enjoy it fully is to taste it for yourself. Please don’t misunderstand me, I am not saying those Sunday school teachers and pastors are a second rate way to study the bible or that God doesn’t reveal truths to you as you listen, on the contrary they are an extremely integral part of our spiritual growth. What I am saying is that spending one-on-one time with God and letting Him teach you, makes your spiritual walk fuller and deeper. As I’ve talked about in the first two blogs, immersing yourself in the Word brings inner change and a closer relationship with God.

The two swimming lessons below are similar to yesterday’s however they use additional flotation devices to aid you.

Be in a bible study group. Join a group that studies the Word, not a feel good book, and uses a curriculum that includes homework. The homework is when you spend alone time with God and let Him teach and speak to you. My favorite bible study group of all time is Community Bible Study. I learned more in the five years I attended than I had up to that point. It combines all the facets I mentioned teacher, pastor, great curriculum and one-on-one time with God plus the bonus of support from other women. There are groups all over this country and internationally as well so check out their website under ministries/courses to find the locations near you.

Use a bible study book on your own. There are so many to choose from but they are not all equal. I suggest one that offers both questions about the scripture and its application to you. Topical studies are okay if they are rooted in and focused on scripture. If you don’t have a store nearby check out Two of the ones I’ve used are a series by Cynthia Heald and also the Spirit Filled Life Bible Discovery Guides that focus on a specific book of the bible. Most any study from Navpress is good and I’ve heard the new video curriculum from "That the World May Know" series is great.

I hope I have encouraged you to go deeper in your study of the Bible so that you may find lasting refreshment, renewal and wisdom. And again, I welcome your comments.
Be blessed-
Jeanine Black

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