Have you ever seen a horse wearing these leather flaps around their eyes? They’re called "blinders" and they are used to restrict the horses ' peripheral vision enabling them to pay attention to what is in front of them. They are commonly used in situations where there may be a lot of diversions, such as crowded city streets, to keep the horse from becoming distracted or spooked. Although we humans would look ridiculous wearing this type of headgear we could really benefit from a pair!
Do you ever compare yourself to another? It could be about outward appearance, possessions, abilities or how your circumstances stack up against theirs. The list is endless in this analytical game we play but the results are always predictable; you will either deem yourself better or worse than your unknowing opponent or maybe conclude that you and they are even, but regardless of the outcome no one is really the winner! Looking at what is beside you causes distraction and just as a horse can become frightened and run off in the wrong direction, comparing yourself to another can take you from God’s intended destination.
As a writer I can look at other writers and see myself as better than they and then let my pride direct my words, or I can see myself as less talented and stop writing all together. Either way I am being ineffective and being robbed of the joy I receive when I follow Gods direction. Looking sideways I focus on how I rate as a writer; the focus is then on me but looking forward I see the goal of helping others deepen their relationship with God through what I write.
I once heard this gem of wisdom and I’ve never forgotten it: "You should never compare yourself to anyone except Jesus. When you compare yourself to another person you see yourself as either better or worse than them. When you compare yourself to Jesus than you see yourself as you truly are!" Humility causes us to look to the only One that can give us true worth. "Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time." (1 Peter 5:6)
To be effective in whatever area God has directed you to, strap on those blinders, stop looking at what’s around you and focus on what is in front of you!
Be blessed,
Jeanine Black
Jeanine Black
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