Thursday, February 19, 2009


The Wind

Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.
(Acts 2:2 NIV)

References to the sound of wind blowing, in some Biblical Scripture, is often times used to represent the movement of the Holy Spirit.

Isn’t that cool? Many times, when I’m out walking and the wind blows it reminds me of God’s love, His very presence in my life. Frequently, I can’t actually hear the wind but I can hear the fluttering of leaves caught up in its current. I can see the branches of a mighty Oak tree blowing, swaying and bending as they become caught up within the gusts and movement of the wind.

It reminds me how strong and powerful the Lord is. It reminds me to be at peace because just as He is moving the branches of those trees, He is moving the branches of my life. I can rest, knowing He is in control of all things and therefore, I do not need to be.

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