Thursday, April 2, 2009

Don't Worry

(Click on image for larger view)

Don't worry! God is good. Where are your thoughts focused today? I am only asking because many times I need to be reminded that God is in control. That He is taking care of my every need. I need to be reminded that He is right here, right now and always. This verse is one of my very favorites because of what it says. God is taking care of the birds and every creature in this world. He cares that much! He loves us that much! So we can relax and allow God to be the God of our lives. Now this isn't an excuse to not accomplish anything today. However it is a wonderful reason to do whatever God has placed before us to do today, for His Glory. If We keep our eyes on Him, we can't go wrong!

Alane Brown

1 comment:

Mary Nerburn said...

Yes, look to the sky and watch the birds of the air. Do they know how to trust God perhaps more than I do at times? Watch the eagle soar. It goes about living its life as God intended. I always learn from the soaring eagle that trust in God gives me freedom, the freedom to soar through my life. Sometimes I envision myself leaning into the arms of God who so loves me as He loves the birds of the air. To me this wonderful passage is about trust in God. Be filled with the Holy Spirit and soar without worry! God is with me.