Tuesday, March 24, 2009

God is our only answer

Personal Struggles-
We all have them. Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who gets caught up in such things. I look around and assume my Christian friends have it all together. I compare my insides and what I am feeling with their outsides. What nonsense – what a waste of time. Most often when I get “caught up in life”, what I am actually stuck in is myself and my own self reliance.
A friend recently reminded me of this when she said, “I am always here if you want to talk. I don't have all the answers, but I am well connected with the One who does!!! Remember always you are deeply loved!”
It’s great to have friends to talk things over with because they can remind us of our true source for truth and guidance. - God.
Do you ever get caught up in things like I do and temporarily forget Who has all the answers you need?
Maybe you have never turned to God before for answers. That's okay too. You can begin today! If that's something you would like assistance with or you have a specific prayer request - send an email to info@ChristianWomenNow.com or leave a comment right here on the blog. There are many people who would love to be in prayer with you and for you.
Alane D Brown

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