Monday, January 19, 2009

A "Charmed" Life

Looking at my daughter’s charm bracelet, admiring each little charm, I pondered their significance. There were the typical ones representing vacations, activities and pastimes but also ones that marked the spiritual milestones in her life like the Noah’s Ark, Icthus (symbol for a Christian), and "believe". Looking at the charms reminded me how God has been directing her path since birth. When my daughter gave her testimony and was baptized at age 11 (Icthus) she told of the process God used to bring her to the point of asking Him into her life. When I remember her five years of volunteering at Vacation Bible School (Noah’s Ark) I see how God used it to help her find her passion to be an elementary school teacher. Remembering those things gives me renewed confidence to trust Him with every aspect of my life!

Repeatedly in the Old Testament the Israelites were reminded of the ways God had protected, provided for and blessed them. They were no different from you and me; when the going got tough, they wanted to do things their way. Remembering what God had done, renewed their faith in Him despite what their circumstances were telling them. "How amazing are the deeds of the Lord! All who delight in Him should ponder them." (Psalm 111:2- Read the whole chapter)

I urge you to reflect back on the things God has done in your life, how He has protected, provided for and blessed you? If your memory is anything like mine try one of these memory keepers: Keep scrap paper next to a container in your kitchen and every time God moves in your life write it down and put it in the jar OR get a small notebook and write it in there. Then when you need some assurance go back and take a look!

Okay, here’s a question for you . . . if you had a spiritual charm bracelet what would be on it? Write and tell me!

Be blessed,
Jeanine Black

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