Friday, January 16, 2009

Finding a Father

Growing up in my home with my family wasn't always easy. Certainly I'm not writing to complain all these years later. In fact, I am who I am today because of my past and that includes both the good and the bad and I happen to think that I’m pretty cool and very "Okay". Anyways, tons of people have grown up in difficult situations, I just happen to be one of them.

One of the things that made growing up in my home complicated was my father's abusive behavior. I was the only girl of four children and desperately wanted a sweet, kind, loving dad like all my friends had. In fact it was something that I cried about more than often.

There were many nights that I cried because of some type of physical pain I had endured but the deepest of that pain came simply because it had been my dad who had inflicted the hurts upon me to begin with. There were many nights he hadn't physically touched me at all, but still I cried because there was no hug, no bed-time story and no love. As awful as things became (speaking of the physical abuse) I STILL wanted him to love me and I desperately just wanted to hear – “I love you Alane” but it never happened.

So I grew up for the most part without the love of a father - so imagine what it felt like to someone like me when I read in the Bible one day…” And I will be a father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” ( 2 Corinthians 6:18) My eyes lit up and my heart jumped inside my chest! I had found my true Father and He did want me and most importantly He did love me.

It took some time to understand all that this meant but for me it was some of the best news I had ever heard. I needed a dad. Someone to talk to, someone who would listen, someone who would love me no matter what and that is exactly the type of relationship I share with my Daddy in Heaven today.

Just sharing the happiness I have in my heart this morning…
and wondering - Do you need the love of God in your life today?
Alane D. Brown

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