Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Are You Up For a Challenge?

Are You Up For A Challenge?

Sometimes we don’t spend the time we need to or intend to spend with God. There are various reasons for this but my guess would be the root cause is inconsistency. Whenever we do things each day and make it a point to not let anything get in the way, then we form habits. Some habits are wonderful, like spending quality time with God everyday.
(If you are someone who is currently in a wonderful relationship with the Lord, this challenge will not apply to you. We will find a different challenge for you sometime at a later date.)

Here is the challenge.
Spend just one minute in prayer with God everyday. Tell Him you want to know Him better and that you need His assistance in remembering to come and be with Him each day. Tell Him you love Him. Just give Him one minute and see how it might change your life.

It doesn’t matter what is happening in our lives. We need both to speak and listen to God.
“Rejoice and exult in hope; be steadfast and patient in suffering and tribulation; be constant in prayer.” Romans 12:12 (Amplified Bible)

If you are reading this post and are going to pledge yourself to this challenge and would like someone in your life for accountability – I would love to be that person. There’s no judging here – We will be accountable to one another. We are sisters and are here for each other. You can leave a message for me here or send me an email: Alane@ChristianWomenNow.com
I look forward to hearing from you.
Alane D. Brown


Anonymous said...


Amazing enough I have learned to have God beside me as my friend and mentor every second of the day. I talk to him just like he was sitting beside me and I laugh with him as everytime I need to find something and I say: OK Lord, I am leaving it up to you....I actually go right to the location of whatever I was missing and there it would be. And I Thank him with a chuckle everytime! I need to start journaling as I have so many wonderful stories of all the days I spend with him.

Love Ya, Charmaine

Alane D. Brown said...

Awesome! Yes, you should write your stories about times with God. People need to hear when we have loving, sharing relationships with the Lord.