Monday, January 12, 2009

What’s under the hood?

Looking at the falling snow today reminded me of the time a man got his truck stuck in our driveway with his wheels spinning in the snow. My husband tried to push him out with his own truck but his wheels spun too. Next he tried our Jeep Wrangler which was an odd scene I thought, a little Jeep, half the size of a truck, trying to do what his big truck could not. As my husband positioned the nose of the Jeep against the bumper of the pick-up truck, I watched with a little bit of skepticism. When he started to push against the truck’s bumper its wheels spun briefly then it edged slightly forwards caught some traction and was soon out of the snow! What gave this little vehicle the power to do a task that seemed impossible? It was what was under the hood! You see, the Jeep had something different that the other two trucks did not. It had 4-wheel drive.

This is a great picture of the life of a Christian. So often we try to push our way through things using our own effort and strength only to end up spinning our wheels and going nowhere. While all along we’ve had something special "under our hoods’ that would make the impossible task possible but we’ve chosen not to use it.

So what are you facing today that seems overwhelming or impossible? Maybe it’s struggling to make ends meet or figuring out how to work with an unapproachable teacher, or even trying to keep house, provide meals and be a good Mom while you have two little ones underfoot. Whatever the task is, big or small, if it’s important to you it’s important to God! However, just as my husband chose to utilized the 4-wheel drive option, we must choose to seek God’s help.

Okay, what are you waiting for? Take your hands off the steering wheel, step away from the vehicle, find a quiet place and take time to thank God for who He is and ask Him to provide what He knows is needed to complete the task at hand and He will.

"Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand." (Philippians 4:6-7a NLT)
©Jeanine Black 2009


Alane D. Brown said...

You have touched upon one of my favorite verses in the Bible. I love to just sit and talk with God. I always "get the feeling" that He is sitting right here with me - listening but already knowing. The "thing" under the hood for me as a Christian is His Holy Spirit. Alive and directing my life when I "take my hands off the sterring wheel" and allow Him to be the Lord of my life. Thank you for this very gentle reminder -I appreciate it!

Jeanine Black said...

One of my favorite verses as well. When I "step away from my vehicle" and talk with God a peace does come over me and I am able to better face the very issue that brought me to Him in the first place. And you are right, we can talk to God all the time just like a friend by our side.

Anonymous said...

Any illustration involving the incredible ability of a Jeep is a winner in my book! Great application as well. How foolish we are to ignore the strength we have been granted. We so often pray, "Lord give me the strength to..." when our prayer should really be, "Lord thank you for granting me the strength in your Spirit. Help me, this day, to use that strength, submit to that strength, and watch you work in me."
All who are in Christ have 4 wheel drive. If only we would remember to pull the lever!

Anonymous said...


What I have chosen to do as a consistent daily habit is as soon as I go to bed, I thank God for all he has done for me that day. I list all the things no matter good or bad as they all have great lessons. And I truly thank him and ask him for the safety and salvation for my family and friends! To put a hedge of Protection around us in all we do.

God Bless, Charmaine

Alane D. Brown said...

Yes- It's wonderful to take a nightly inventory of the day to see where God has worked in our lives. I haven't made that a habit for a while. Thanks for reminding me!